Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Stop telling people you are fine. You aren't fine. You haven't been fine since you were a kid; you haven't been fine since you started piecing the world together. It's all quite a mess isn't it? Everyone seems to have lost sight of their own humanity. You haven't been fine since that first day you felt powerless. You remember that day. You fell to the floor of your bedroom and cried for two days before anyone came looking for you. You were crying for the world that day and you were crying for the loss of your obliviousness. It is almost eight years since that day and you might finally be ready, ready to help mend this place that has lost its way. You will work everyday for the rest of your life, trying to be honest when you say, "I'm fine". There's a story behind every person. there's a reason they're the way they are. They aren't just like that because they want to. Something in the past created them, and sometimes it's impossible to fix them.

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