Friday, January 20, 2012

Time Lapse!

A couple months, some cream, and a little make-up make a big difference. New bracelets are always a plus.
Time for some YogaX...then bed.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What shall it be tonight?

I vote drawing! Since I just watched Howl's Moving Castle, I think that will be the theme :)

Too bad I just realized that I left my set of colored pencils at my mother's >.< I'll have to finish sketching this out in pencil and add colors later this weekend.

What to do....what to do? Finished my reread of TFioS...I half wish that work hadn't been cancelled for tomorrow. I was looking forward to playing with V all day! Perhaps I can get this cowl going more tonight and finish it off before class tomorrow. Oooh, or that other pattern LA sent me!

Nervous to hear what happens at Alex's appointment with the lung specialist tomorrow morning. I'm really hoping he doesn't need surgery again and/or that it's not something entirely worse. It's weird that for once I'm not worried about a doctor's appointment of my own. Perhaps I should call in and schedule this semester's first visit with Dr. Alexi...sounds like a blast.

Monday, January 16, 2012

No sleep?

How...not unexpected. Had to happen at least once this week. Funny though, I just had a conversation about this today. Hopefully she doesn't think I'm completely nuts. I think tonight I will start my reading for this semester. Gosh, I even have class on Tuesday! I need to get started on The Glass Palace and The Satanic Verses. I am also starting a new knitting project....a chevron cowl. It looks something like this:
...just not in blue. Probably in shades of green. I seem to knit myself things that a primarily green. I'm okay with this. I found the pattern in the pattern-a-day knitting calendar that I got for Christmas from my second momma :) It seems fairly straightforward; I just need to figure out where I put my needle gauge tool and how to sl2k & p2sso. I hope it turns out alright.

I am also really looking forward to this semester's classes. Especially Spanish and the graphics & gaming class. I'm really interested to see the differences between the Spanish classes I took in the Dominican and the ones I will take here [starting Tuesday! Be scared, Tessa]. But, I think I'm gonna make one last attempt at sleep before I crack open some Rushdie. We shall see how this goes.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Oh, Lady voice my thoughts so often.

"What's a weekend?"

Tomorrow begins the new season of Downton...I am EXCITED!

Monday, January 2, 2012

“Well, they do say honesty is the best policy. And I think you regret being honest less often than you regret telling lies.”