Monday, January 16, 2012

No sleep?

How...not unexpected. Had to happen at least once this week. Funny though, I just had a conversation about this today. Hopefully she doesn't think I'm completely nuts. I think tonight I will start my reading for this semester. Gosh, I even have class on Tuesday! I need to get started on The Glass Palace and The Satanic Verses. I am also starting a new knitting project....a chevron cowl. It looks something like this:
...just not in blue. Probably in shades of green. I seem to knit myself things that a primarily green. I'm okay with this. I found the pattern in the pattern-a-day knitting calendar that I got for Christmas from my second momma :) It seems fairly straightforward; I just need to figure out where I put my needle gauge tool and how to sl2k & p2sso. I hope it turns out alright.

I am also really looking forward to this semester's classes. Especially Spanish and the graphics & gaming class. I'm really interested to see the differences between the Spanish classes I took in the Dominican and the ones I will take here [starting Tuesday! Be scared, Tessa]. But, I think I'm gonna make one last attempt at sleep before I crack open some Rushdie. We shall see how this goes.

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