Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What shall it be tonight?

I vote drawing! Since I just watched Howl's Moving Castle, I think that will be the theme :)

Too bad I just realized that I left my set of colored pencils at my mother's >.< I'll have to finish sketching this out in pencil and add colors later this weekend.

What to do....what to do? Finished my reread of TFioS...I half wish that work hadn't been cancelled for tomorrow. I was looking forward to playing with V all day! Perhaps I can get this cowl going more tonight and finish it off before class tomorrow. Oooh, or that other pattern LA sent me!

Nervous to hear what happens at Alex's appointment with the lung specialist tomorrow morning. I'm really hoping he doesn't need surgery again and/or that it's not something entirely worse. It's weird that for once I'm not worried about a doctor's appointment of my own. Perhaps I should call in and schedule this semester's first visit with Dr. Alexi...sounds like a blast.

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